We all know that we need to manage stress levels. Herbs can do this, but so can our sense of smell! The most known calming smell is lavender. I have gotten into the habit of always using small amounts of lavender in anything I do.
It is very well known than fruits and raw vegetables are a good source of vitamins and they help in boosting our immune system too.
Top immune boosters are berries, Lemon, Turmeric, Ginger, garlic, cayenne pepper and Spinach. All fruits and vegetables should be eaten in their raw state, not processed or cooked, to get the most benefits.
85% Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that work in several ways to prevent cell damage in the body. It protects us from many types of flu, colds and cancers caused by these free radicals.
It’s a known fact that berries are packed with antioxidants, called anthocyanins - which is good to help keep the memory sharp as you age - this is especially true of blueberries.
Watching movies that relax you, that make you feel happy, they make you forget about long days or stressful times. Books also transport you to the world of imagination and fantasy. My eyes are as important as my taste. My dishes don’t need to look stunning, but all of them need to look fresh, colorful, and happy.
Lymphatic massage is a very gentle form of massage therapy, aimed at moving the lymph under the skin using specialized, gentle, rhythmic techniques.
The lymphatic system has many functions in the body. It forms a vital part of our immune system and it’s also designed to assist in the removal of waste products from the body’s cells.
As we can not indulge in this treatment over the coming weeks, a technique that everyone can do at home is the dry skin massage. Or take hot or cold showers to activate the lymphatic system and boost the immune system.
This is not my field of expertise, but mindfulness, EFT, guided meditation and relaxing music can all be a part of a beauty treatment that can be done at home, to relax, laugh and forget about your worries.